Sunday, October 2, 2011

Episode 50 - Golden Shower

Another nice, full-length episode is now available to download.

We discuss proposed speed limits increases in the UK, a vegan strip club, Hooters, Richard Littlejohn and EU scaremongering, Anne Widdecombe and Christian persecution, illiberal Lib Dem and Puppetry of The Penis, Satan, and Jehovah Witness infighting.

Also, this week's episode is special because we celebrate an arbitrary number of episodes. Well, it may not be completely arbitrary; it may have a founding in the evolution of the phalanges on our hands.

Additionally, I have been asked to name and shame the very odious Vicky Hartzler who deserves all of the publicity that's about to come her way!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 50th!

    Thanks for the latest 'cast, and many happy returns. I would say more, but I failed to find
    an email address on your blogspot. I see you still have a Facebook page.
    How very romantic.

    I gave up my Facebook page about three weeks ago, and somehow, I continue to exist.

    Still listening, y con muchas abrezas,

    -Charles, East of Sea World
