Sunday, September 25, 2011

Episode 49 - The Usual Suspects

We hit out an extra-long episode for you to make sure we hit of the big stories of the week: video games screwing with your mind, drunken Cardiff, fraudulent psychic, Sally Morgan, comic books make your dumb, rugby player twitter rant, Amish go to prison, more right to die stuff, presumed consent with organ donations, Pat Robertson's hypocrisy, Rick Santorum, Troy Davis and Frank Skinner talking rubbish.


  1. Hi, guys,

    Thanks for the latest Podcast.

    The serial critically-ill-wife-divorcing Republican bastard you were talking about is Newt Gingrich.

    -Charles of San Diego

  2. Thanks Charles. You get a shout-out on this week's 'cast.

    And don't worry. We may miss a week here or there but we'll keep ranting for as long as John can work all the techy gubbins (UK term for servers and such) (and by UK I mean I say it and possibly nobody else). Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated - Trev.
